Jul 20, 2011

No News...

I broke down yesterday and called our adoption worker.  I had a few questions because we had received paperwork to redo our finger prints and physical updates.  I wanted to know when it expired and how much time we had.  I thought we had a little while.  She told me that it didn't expire until October, but they send it early to schedule doc appointments and allow time.  I asked a couple more questions.  Then I asked the dreaded, where do we stand question.

She told me our profile book has been viewed every month until May.  They are experiencing a "quiet time", as she put it.  Most birth mothers are already matched and the new ones aren't really into the process yet.  I understood.

I hung up and asked Jesse what he thought.  He told me that he thinks we'll spend our money for these finger prints and doctors appointments for no reason, because come December we'll have our friend's donated embryos.  I just smiled at him.

That is still the hope.  We're praying for our friend to deliver a healthy baby in December and hopefully sometime in January or February have our FET!!

We are hoping to go see our donor in November and meet with her doctor.  I have to call.  But, it still feels so far away.  I think I'm going to call to just "touch base" with her doctor, find out his protocol and see what the nurse thinks about November.  Should we try to schedule our appointment now?

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Praying that everything goes well in November and that you're in the midst of a FET early next year! Woohoo!