It's been a LONG time since I participated in ICLW. I'm so excited to be back. I don't know if it's just me, but there seems to be a lot more adoption blogs out there this time around. I am so excited, I even found another blog of someone who is doing embryo adoption. She is due August 3oth, I'm so glad I found her!
For those of you who are new to my blog, here is our story in a nutshell (and I've got to make it quick, because we're going to the Tiger's game and I'm supposed to be getting ready!! oops!) Anyway...
My husband and I were married in August of 2003. We wanted to wait until I had started my Masters to begin trying, so we were prepared. The following April, I spoke to my OB/GYN, he told me I looked healthy, throw out the birth control and I should be pregnant in no time...
We saw a urologist on her recommendation, but he didn't give us anything to work with. Other than a surgery could help or hurt us. Great advice!
The following May we went to see our first RE. She told us our cause was extremely low sperm and our only option would be to use sperm donor, because my husband didn't have healthy, viable sperm. Immediately afterward, she asked when we wanted to schedule our IVF. Needless to say, we never saw her again.
We tried for the next year and a half doing natural approaches. Diet changes, acupuncture, supplements, herbs, standing on my head. We seriously tried EVERYTHING! We went back in May of 2009 to see a different RE. I loved her! I hoped beyond hope that something improved.
Unfortunately it didn't. My husband was adament against sperm donors and adoption. We did a lot of praying, soul-searching, crying and mourning the loss of our biological child. After all of this, we learned that DNA does not equal a family and changed our focus to adoption. In January of 2010, we went to an adoption meeting at our agency and learned about embryo adoption. We felt this was the best of both worlds.
We are beginning the process of adoption. We are hoping for a successful embryo adoption, but are also continuing down the domestic path as well. We feel God will open the path He deems the best for us, but for now, we are waiting for an adoption worker to call so we can get this ball rolling!! HAPPY ICLW!!