Nov 10, 2011


I don't know why I'm so surprised.  God is amazing!  I have been struggling with negativity in my life.  It has been convicting me for quite awhile, but it's such a hard habit to break.  It's hard to not get wrapped up with the drama of things that happen in school or to not let the garbage you hear about what's coming down the line in education to not affect you.  It's hard, and I've been failing hard core.

Yesterday, I was so upset because of things that happened at school...

Then I go to small group and the card we have to apply this week is Replace Negativity.  Hello, God, I know you're talking to me.  Every time a negative thought enters our head, we have to replace the complaint with something of gratitude.  I have my watch on the wrong wrist as a visual reminder.  I do not want to be this negative person.

As if that wasn't enough last night, I sit down to read my devotional and bible this morning and the devotional is "Emotions: Who's In Charge of Yours?"  Seriously?  I am so getting this and not messing this up!  I don't want the world's opinions to drive my emotions, I want to be a positive person who people seek.  I know this will be extremely hard for me, but I am willing to take on the challenge.  I pray that God will be with me and allow me to break one more thing in the cycle Jesse and I have set out to break in our families.  Negativity is a huge one in my family.  I don't want to follow the path of family members before me.  I am willing to create my own path, knocking down barriers that will be there to stop me and make me fail.  I know this will be hard, but I know with God's strength, this is something I can overcome.

Today, and everyday, Lord, I pray that you allow me to stop focusing on the negative of this world and allow me to see the bigger picture.  The problems that consume my life are not my life.  You are.  Please help me to stop focusing on what the world, my community and my co-workers deem important.  What is most important to me is You and Your Love.  Your son died for my sins and that is an ultimate gift.  I pray that when negative thoughts enter my mind, you give me the strength to see past them.  I need your guidance to shift the lens off of me and my problems and focus them outward.  Help me to see the beauty in every day and in everything.  Please be with me.  In Jesus' name I pray.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

It's so easy to focus on the insignificant sometimes. I also have to fight negativity but I'm not sure why~ God has blessed me so much! Love this post!