Mar 17, 2010


Thank you so much for all your encouragement and support. I cannot begin to tell you guys how much each and every one of you means to me! I'm sure all I'm feeling right now is totally normal. I don't think you can help but freak out a little after waiting and wanting something for 7 years!

This April will be 7 years since Jess and I decided to throw out the birth control and "see what happens." I find it so amazing how you "planned" life to be and how it is actually playing out. I'm so thankful to have endured what we have. That sounds a little disturbing, but it's honestly how I feel. If we would've gotten pregnant back then, I know Jesse would have NEVER left his job that I HATED, we would probably never see each other, we wouldn't be going to the church we are now, we probably wouldn't like each other much.

Isn't it amazing how God works? I feel now, every little (AND BIG) thing that has happened to us over this time has molded us and shaped us into some really changed people. We are so much better now than we were then. I don't mean that in a conceited way, but I mean we are more well rounded people. We know who we are and who we want to be. Granted we both have our moments, but because of what we've been through, I know that there is NOTHING Jesse and I can't get through together and I know that I have a partner in life, love (and crime! :) just kidding! )

So, thanks for helping me become the person I am. I know I will be a much better mom than I would've been 7 years ago. All of you have had a hand in helping me be okay with what we've gone through and what is yet to come.

On a side note, I signed up for SOCK IT TO ME back in February. I'm really bummed. I was so looking forward to this, but it has turned out to be a flop for me. I know there is nothing Kymberli could do about it. But, I still haven't received my socks. I feel like such a nerd running out to my mailbox every day. I was hoping to have my socks for the first of my appointments and wear them to every procedure and just feel the love of all "my girls." Right now I feel like a big dope. BUMMER!!!

One more side note...This is my 95th post. Can you believe it?! My 100th post will be here soon! Wow, what an accomplishment!


Hillary said...

Isn't it amazing how God uses all things for our good?! I hold onto that promise so dearly, and I was encouraged to read this in your post today. Thank you.

Stacey said...

Michelle, I love your spirit, your attitude, and your determination. It's so encouraging to look back, even on some really hard times, and see how you've changed and grown in so many good ways. God really does use those trials to mold and shape us. Thanks for writing this uplifting post!